Mannnnn I dont even know where to start. I loved MJ ever since my uncle put me onto him way back when. Ironically the same uncle lives in Santa Barbara, close to Never Never Land. Im gonna be interested to see if they are going to be doing home tours or something.

But man I loved everything about MJ during my early years, from the WB characters in the vids, to the kick/nutgrab combo that my mom would whoop me for, the moonwalk i did in the kitchen/hallways with socks on, all the mini movies, remember the time vid, the jerry curls, all the dance moves, the lean in smooth criminal, to the Michael Jackson movie, to the many many jams he made.

Personally, I was able to look past all the BS and stay focused on HIS MUSIC. It blows that hes been shunned/made fun of by the entertainment industry, as of late, due to all the BS allegations.

Hovito said it best….they love you when you fade to black, so sad but true.

But everything about that mans music WAS/IS STILL great.

HE will be greatly missed…

As long as we have ears & a soul, Michael Jackson will NEVER die!

As long as we have ears & a soul, Michael Jackson will NEVER die!

What was yall favorite MJ memory/moment/album/song whatever??

5 Responses to “RIP TO THE MOONWALKER ;(”

  1. Hey I just wanted to take a moment to let you know how much I’ve been enjoying your blog. You do a great job of covering interesting and compelling topics, while relating your thoughts and ideas.

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    Max Gibson

  2. As a kid with no cable, all I had were some MJ VCD’s and I devoted 4 hours a day watching that thing. MJ started it all for me in terms of music

    Favorite MJ moment? The speed demon video, I just thought is was the sickest thing ever!! LONG LIVE THE KING!

  3. His last album was still dope, and was still true to his sound.thats a testament to true art. My family taped the show where he did billy jean live and did the moonwalk. We watched it every thanksgiving. It aint right with out Michael being here. Who will the kids grow up on.smh

  4. RIPMichaelJackson Says:

    The world was recently saddened by the sudden loss of pop icon Michael Jackson. In memoriam of this legendary and one-of-a-kind performer, Ztarlet Star Registry has dedicated an actual star in his memory – as a symbol of the bright light that Jackson brought to the music industry and his millions of loyal fans across the globe.

    Digg this!

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